Homework is left to the discretion of class teachers and can take various formats:
- Children are encouraged to read at home on a regular basis from a wide range of books. Foundation Phase children may take their reading book home after it has been read in school. It would be helpful if you would complete your child’s reading record each time they read to you.
- If a teacher considers a child has not produced a reasonable amount of work in any one day it is certainly permissible in the case of older children to ask for the work to be completed at home.
- Homework may be part of an on-going piece of class work e.g. background research, an interview, a survey etc.
- A child may be interested enough in a piece of work to want to continue it at home. This is to be encouraged and the teacher will give necessary guidance.
- Small tasks are often completed at home especially if parental assistance would help e.g. reading, spelling, table etc.
- An assignment may be given in the child’s Learning Log and this long-term project this will usually last for a half term period or as specified by the class teacher.
- Mathletics is an online maths learning platform which the children can access in school and at home.
- Pupils can also access Lexia – a literacy programme to support and enhance learning
Parents are asked to note that if work is taken home it is important that a child:
- Should only work for a reasonable period of time and not become worried or distressed about a lack of understanding or inability to complete the work.
- Should be encouraged to develop good working habits like working in a quiet room without the distraction of television, keeping it clean and working to their highest standards.
- Should take work home in a waterproof bag and realise the importance of caring for all school materials and the need to return them in good condition.
Please see our homework policy here.