At St Florence VC School we believe our ambassadors have the opportunity to enhance their experiences, recognise achievement outside the classroom and further develop their life skills, whilst reinforcing the schools ethos of Courtesy, Cooperation and Commitment. We have many ambassadors: Head girl and boy, Deputy Head girl and boy, music, sport, criw Cymraeg and digital leaders
Criw Cymraeg
Our Criw Cymraeg are a team of children chosen to help promote the use of the Welsh Language both inside and outside of school. They help encourage all members of the school community to speak Welsh on a daily basis. Criw Cymraeg meets on a fortnightly basis and chooses a “Phrase of the Fortnight”. They plan and deliver a whole school assembly to share the phrase as well share simple stories and teach new songs. Criw Cymraeg will be developing their ideas so please keep an eye on our Twitter page for more regular updates!
Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders are pupil leaders for the technology that is used in our school. There are children representatives from every year group who are interested and enthusiastic about using technology, with a willingness to learn and share. They spread good behaviour with technology, support teachers, support fellow pupils and are able to showcase what is possible. More importantly, they develop their own skills and become examples for what is achievable in school.
School Council
St. Florence V.C School takes great pride in its School Council which is made up of pupils from Year 1 to Year 6. Annual secret ballot elections for School Council members are held by all pupils each September, with one member from Years 1 to 5, and two members from Year 6 being elected. The new School Council are presented with badges and introduced to the rest of the school during a special ‘Celebration Assembly’. Meetings are held each half term to discuss areas of concern and to voice pupil opinion. Class council meeting are also held each half term, to give each child in the school an opportunity to voice any ideas, areas of improvement or opinions that they may have. School Council representatives then bring their Class Council minutes to the School Council meeting and are discussed in detail at the end of the meeting. The School Council provides an exciting opportunity for pupils across the school to practise skills such as working in a group, representing others and making important changes in the school and wider community.