As a Church school we aim to develop a Christian ethos and understanding of the Christian faith within the spirituality of every aspect of school life.
General Aims
- For each child to reach their full potential spiritually, physically and intellectually.
- To provide a range of resources, learning opportunities and experiences.
- To target work for each child’s age, aptitude and ability.
- To provide a positive ethos for learning through inner confidence and self-motivation.
Academic Aims
Our aim is that each child should:
- Listen attentively with comprehension.
- Read accurately and fluently with expression, understanding and discrimination.
- Communicate clearly in speech and writing with good standards of spelling, punctuation and syntax.
- Learn and use mathematical computational skills with accuracy and speed.
- Be able to apply the acquired literacy and numeracy skills in everyday situations.
- Develop skills required by all aspects of the National Curriculum:
– observation
– enquiry
– collection of information
– co-operation
– sorting
– recording
– interpretation and communication - Acquire a good general knowledge through studying all aspects of the National Curriculum.
- Acquire physical confidence, agility and co-ordination.
- Develop an aesthetic appreciation of the arts.
Moral and Social Aims
- Create a caring environment in which children feel happy and secure, confident and valued.
- Instil positive attitudes of good manners and behaviour, respect and responsibility.
- Help children grow as individuals and also as sharing, caring members of a group.
Other Aims
- Concentrate on the main task of educating children.
- Have good relationships between all staff.
- Have good relationships between pupils and teachers.
- Have good relationships between parents and staff.
- Make the best use of valuable resources.
- Make the best use of people’s skills.
- Welcome the involvement of the community in school life.
- Play a full part in the community of which the school is a vital part.